The consortium represents eight countries, six languages and about 50% of the population of the EU. Most of the partners have already participated in successful EU projects, such as the „Basic Acoustics Training & Work program On Methodologies for Acoustics – Network“, an Innovative Training Network (ITN) with 40% female researchers. This also demonstrates the dedication of all partners to establish gender balance.
All industrial partners have been heavily involved in the definition of research objectives and they will co-supervise the fellows, host them during secondments and offer specialised training courses.
All academic partners are recognised specialists in their specific fields and are entitled to award Doctoral Degrees. These universities are represented by experienced supervisors who are renowned scientists and scholars with distinguished track records having a long history of interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation projects and well established professional networks.
Many of the private partners are developing software and have a vital interest in the exploitation of numerical simulation models and audio rendering algorithms resulting from that work.
17 Partners from 8 countries